16 May 2008

Death by Picture

I forgot to put a few pictures in yesterday...I couldn't figure out how to upload them in order so here are few of all the bags while still on Ft. Drum, one of me in the cockpit on the flight to Kuwait, one of my cot/living area in the tent in Kuwait, one from inside the C17 on the way to Iraq (everyone has their Kevlar on), a bunker on post here in Iraq, one of Saddam's palaces on post, and last but not least the band hall. Here is one of me all kitted up for you honey. Everyone enjoy...more to come.


  1. You're very handsome Mr. Army Man!

  2. Good to know you're doing well, Justin. We're praying for you!

  3. makes me cry.

    thanks man. really.

  4. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.


  5. It looks like you had first class accomodations on that flight! He he he. Good to see you, God safekeep you!

  6. Oh, snap, anonymous is really me. :)
