19 May 2008

God's People

Ya know, God is so good...I thought I would catch you all up on some happenings that are not merely an accident and that took until today for me to put into context.

I went in to start my internet service out here and the as I was filling out the papers the Philippino lady behind the counter starts singing, "Lord I lift your name on high...Lord I love so sing your praises...I'm so glad you're in my life...etc."  Today I was eating lunch and ran into a man by the name of Rob who used to support a civilian contractor running guns from place to place out here.  His truck broke down in the middle of Baghdad and he was stranded in a bad neighborhood for an american to be.  Long story short some folks from the Army got him out of there and saved his life and he was wondering if we could look them up because he never got to say thank you.  Then I saw him pray over his meal and he continued talking to us about his experience using phrases like "by the grace of God" and things like that.  He was obviously a spiritual man.  It just always amazes me who God places in my life and the timing.

Also I though I would gross you guys out by posting a picture of my small pox area on my sholder...now this is absolutely normal so don't be alarmed...muahahaha


  1. Ouch!

    Glad you're seeing God in Iraq. :)

  2. Dude, no wonder they don't promote general small pox innoculation! That is wicked nasty!

    Isn't that the greatest thing about God? He knows your needs intimately and responds in the most unexpected ways.

  3. Manda freaked a bit when she saw your arm Sexy Man. I had to tell her it's special medicine and that it's okay LOL

  4. oh wow! my hubby always gets his after he leaves because it never fails I am pregnant and he cannot be around me after the injections...thank God we have medicine and don't have to be covered in those owies. (oh, I am a friend of Sandy's by the way)

  5. *makes great big grumpy faces at Justin's owie arm*

    Or in Elijah's words when he saw it earlier today "Uh oh! Ow ow! No no!"
